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Kamala Hasanova

Kamala Hasanova

Kamala Hasanova

Mortgage Agent L1

Tel:       519-860-1929


Kamala Hasanova is a mortgage agent with over 10 years of accounting experience and eight years of financial advising. With nearly 20 years in Canada, she has a deep understanding of the local market dynamics. Kamala's proficiency in multiple languages, including English, Azerbaijani, Turkish, Russian, and Arabic, allows her to effectively communicate with a diverse range of clients and cater to their unique needs. With a strong background in accounting and financial advising, Kamala possesses analytical and strategic thinking skills that she leverages in her role as a mortgage agent. 

Known for her attention to detail, exceptional customer service, and ability to connect with clients, Kamala has built a solid reputation in the industry. Her multicultural background and language fluency enable her to serve clients from various cultural backgrounds, helping them achieve their homeownership goals. With extensive experience and a commitment to excellence, Kamala Hasanova is a trusted professional in the Canadian financial landscape, ready to guide clients through personalized mortgage solutions with professionalism and expertise.

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